If want to Remove Redmi 7A Mi Account & Frp Unlock can try to repair it by your self have to charge a battery with any charger and charged it by 95%. Your data is very important for so it is good to do a backup of data it may consist of contact details, important messages, emails or any other important thing which feel to be the backup in a device.
This backup can be done on another device. we have to do the backup because after a format of a device, all data will be gone and it will not be recovered. For backup in other devices, you can use another external device like hard drive, SD card or any other suitable devices. If are doing by own. do it at your own risk as we don't take any responsibility if a device is damaged
Redmi 7A Mi Account & Frp Unlock UFI Box Using UFI Box you have to charge a battery with any charger and charged it by 95%. Your data is very important for so it is good to do a backup of data it may consist of contact details, important messages, emails or any other important thing which feel to be the backup in a device.Required :
- Redmi 7A with Good Charge Battery
- Redmi 7A Mi Account & Frp File
- Micro USB Cable
- Computer or Laptop
Note : UFI Take 3 Credit for this
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Procedure :
- Open UFI Android ToolBox
- Click on MediaTek
- Select Brand "Xiaomi"
- Select Model "Redmi 7A (pine)"
- Select Platform "Qualcomm" and "pine_image_v10.2.6.0.PCMCNXM_20190605.0000.00"
- Tick on "FireHose"
- Click on "firehose" and Select Prog_emmc_firehose_8937_ddr.mbn File
- Click on "rawprogram0.xml" and Select rawprogram0.xml File
- Now Put Phone on EDL 9008 Mode Redmi 7A Test Point Using Below Image
Credit : tuser hp
- Click on "Flash" and Wait until Completed